
Your Location:Home >Products >API >21967-41-9


  • Product Name:Baicalin
  • Molecular Formula:C21H18O11
  • Molecular Weight:446.367
  • Appearance:Yellow powder

Product Details

pd_meltingpoint:231-233 °C(lit.)

Appearance:Yellow powder


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1.What is the Baicalin ?

Light yellow powder

ChEBI: The glycosyloxyflavone which is the 7-O-glucuronide of baicalein.

Baicalin is one of the main active ingredients obtained from the roots of huang qin (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi). The Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (2015) stipulates that the content of baicalin in radix scutellariae with dry goods shall not be less than 9.0%. The medicinal radix scutellariae distribution in China are now Yunnan radix scutellariae (S. amoena C.?H. Wright), sticky hairs radix scutellariae (S. viscidula Bunge), Gansu radix scutellariae (S. rehderiana Diels), Lijiang radix scutellariae (S. likiangensis Diels), Sichuan radix scutellariae (S. hypericifolia Lev l.), radix scutellariae (S. tenax W.?W. Smith var. patentipilosa G.? Y. Wu), etc., which contain a certain amount of baicalin. Radix scutellariae medicinal has a long history in China. Listed as goods in Shen Nong’s Classic of Materia Medica, it has been used clinically to treat diseases with symptoms such as “heat jaundice, intestinal dysentery, edema, amenorrhea, malignant sore, and scleritis” for about 2000? years. Scutellaria is recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China to have the effects of “clear heat and wet, purging fire to detoxify, stop bleeding and tocolysis.” It is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese herbs, which is clinically used alone or with other Chinese medicine compatibility for the treatment of respiratory infections, acute dysentery, viral hepatitis, allergic disease and gynecological disease, and so on.

2.What is the CAS number for Baicalin ?

The CAS number of Baicalin is 21967-41-9.

3.What are another words for Baicalin ?

Synonyms for Baicalin 21967-41-9:(2S,3S,4S,5R,6S)-6-(5,6-dihydroxy-4-oxo-2-phenyl-chromen-7-yl)oxy-3,4,5-trihydroxy-oxane-2-carboxylic acid;5,6-dihydroxy-4-oxo-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-7-yl beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid;Baicalein 7-O-glucuronide;7-D-glucuronic acid-5,6-dihydroxyflavone;TJN-151;baicalin, Baical Skullcap Root extract;

4.What is Baicalin (21967-41-9) used for?

Baicalin has been used in a study to examine its neuroprotective effect in chronically stressed rats.2

Baicalin is mainly used for the adjuvant therapy of acute and chronic hepatitis and persistent hepatitis.


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5.Buy Baicalin with the best price .

Nanjing Spring & Autumn Biotech Engineering Co., Ltd. is a quality supplier of Baicalin. Our main goal is customer satisfaction. Contact us to negotiate the best price for your business on Baicalin 21967-41-9.

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